Saturday, February 4, 2017

Homemade Soy Milk Baby Formula ( #soymilk #soymilkbaby#homebabysoyformula #homemadebabyformula)
Ok i have to place a little knowledge that you can google as well.
Soy contains goitrogens which lead to depressed thyroid function.
It also contains phytates which prevent absorption of life enhancing minerals.
It is also loaded with hormone estrogen which can be bad in the long run.
BUT!!!! GOOD NEWS SOY is in almost everything we eat. Just like the arsenic in rice. I say pray over your little one be cautious and feed baby what works. Soy milk contains a number of compounds that are particularly important to your health. Its high content of isoflavones, protein, vitamins and minerals and minimal amount of saturated fats may help soy milk prevent and treat some of the leading health conditions. Also a good source of protein and helps with diarrhea when baby is sick. So i out the knowledge out there and also PLEASE try not to use the Silk Soy or pre made soy sold in stores it has some ingredients that may not sit well with a newborn. Either make your own Soy milk. Or BUY NOW REAL FOOD ORGANIC SOY MILK POWDER ! Its truly pure and organic.
3/4 Soy MIlk Powder ( when your child is 14 months are older you can use pre made organic if you like. Or make your own SILKEN TOFU is great to make Soy Milk)
32 Ounce of water
1 Tbsp of Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp of Sunflower Oil or Avocado Oil
1 Tbsp Vegan Butter
2-4 Tbs of Dark Grade a Maple Syrup
1 Colostrum Cap.
1-2 ml of Baby DHA Drops Fish Oil
1/8 Tsp Rice Protein or Hemp Protein
1 drop of Vitamin K
**** If baby gets constipated on soy add 1/2 tsp of FLAX Oil or 1 cup of FLAX Milk
Per Bottle or in Baby Food
1/8 tsp of Powdered Probiotics
1/8 tsp of Infant Multi Vitamins follow directions on bottle varies by brand
1/8 tsp of ginger or gelatin for healthy gut and spit up
#diybabyformula #homemadebabyformula #veganbabymilk#babymilkallergies #soymilk

Tip of the DayπŸΌπŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ Even though a baby may have a severe milk allergy. He or she may be able to tolerate lactose powder, colostrum capsules, and probiotics that contain milk. And that is because small amounts may not pose a threat to the child. But always consult your doctor , nutritionist etc... My son has a severe milk allergy and can tolerate colostrum capsules and probiotics that contain milk. His Vitamin D3 drops contain milk. I would however watch out of foods that have soy in it. Some babies with milk allergies may be allergic to soy. Posting a homemade#soy #homemadebabyformula by Monday πŸΌ

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I just want to say sorry i was suppose to post this formula a while back. But I have had some medical issues and procedures that i has to do. Please work with your doctor and or a nutritionist.
For those who are looking for a baby milk or just to add on to what your doing for your child this is great. I originally started to use this as Pea Milk and Oat Milk Mix.
1 1/2 cup of Pea Milk ( Ripple)
1 1/2 cup of Oat Milk ( Pacific Oat Milk, or make your own Oat Milk) **I prefer to use instant organic gluten free oatmeal. Especially for babies that need to gain a little weight. Instant oat milk sticks to the baby and also makes them nice and full. You can also use Gerber Single Grain Oatmeal. If your baby isn't allergic to SOY because it does have Soy Lecithin ) The Gerber brand is loaded with vitamins that are essential to babies overall development.
1/2 cup of Spring Water
3 TBSP of Grade A b or c Maple Syrup
1/2 tsp of coconut oil, or olive oil
1/2 tsp of avocado oil or sunflower oil
1tsp organic vegan butter
1 cap of colostrum
1- 2 ml of Baby DhA FISH OIL
1tsp of rice protein
1/2 tsp b12, folate or nutritional yeast
1/8 tsp GELATIN or 1/8 tsp of ginger cap
Put in 1 bottle per day 1/8 tsp of powdered infant probiotics
1/4 tsp infant Multi vitamins
1 drop of Vitamin D
1 drop of Vitamin K
MIX well in blender ( i prefer to cook everything to a boil after using blender and storing in glass jar)
#homemadebabyformula #diybabyformula #oatmilk #peamilk#babyymilkallergy #veganbaby #veganmilk #babymilk

Friday, January 13, 2017

Low Allergy Rice Milk Formula
Before I post I want everyone to know that breast is best. If you can breastfeed your child. But some babies are allergic to there mothers breast milk. Some mothers do not produce enough breast-milk. And also some women do not want to breastfeed and its not a CRIME!! Its 2017 things are not so black and white when it comes to feeding your baby. I work with a nutritionist, pediatrician, and gastro specialist. And this is just one of the many formulas i have and very basic. You could probably find this online somewhere else. I have added a special ingredient that is for the constipated baby. You may leave it out and want to use coconut milk, hemp, soy ( soy powder only for babies).
1 1/2 cup of cooked mushy organic rice ( brown rice is said to be the healthiest but also has the highest levels of arsenic) So any rice will do but please do your research. I perter basmati and sushi rice grown in California. Because there low in arsenic if any at all. And safer for baby in my opinion. If your worried about calcium, iron, vitamins etc you will not get much from brown rice if any in most organic rices. So better to use a safer rice.
1 1/2 cup of Flax MIlk ( I use Good Karma) but you make your own with Flax Seeds. I find Good Karma to be great because its 30 % calcium per 8 ounces and 1200mg Omega 3. Free of Dairy, Lactose, Nuts ans Soy.
1Tbsp of Black Strap Molasses ( you can start with a little less because it may cause constipation)
1/2 tsp Baby DHA fish oil or Cod Liver Oil
1 Tbsp of organic olive oil
1Tbsp of organic butter
1Tsp Brown Rice Protein Powder ( work your way up to 2 to 3 if baby can tolerate)
1 drop of Vitamin K
1 colostrum capsule
In one bottle per day or in baby food 1/2 tsp of powdered infant probiotics , One drop of Vitamin D Drops, and 1/4 Tsp pf Infant Multi Vitamins. ( follow the directions because it changes with every brand)
Blend all ingredients in a blender and store in a glass container.
#homemadebabyformula #veganbabymilk #veganbaby #diybabymilk#babymilkallergy #milkallergy #babyformula #ricemilk #baby #babyfood#vegan #organic #diybabyformula #flaxmilk

Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy New a Year posting Michaels baby formula recipe this weekend. I promised a video which is so hard for me to get around to. Due to some health issues and my beautiful babas. Just a quick update Michael is 6months and thriving. He sees his nutritionist , and pediatrician once a month. I'm going to also post just my opinions on weight gain etc... which is different for everyone. Especially on homemade formula #naturalbaby #mamababababies #homemadebabyformula #veganmilk #dairyfree 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Made some Quinoa Rice Milk the other day #homemamdebabyformula #homemadebabymilk #quinoamilk #orgnaic#veganmilk

Back Story my Ducky dosent drink apple juice it burns his throat but he needs it in his diet. The burning is due to his silent reflux.
1 apple πŸŽ ( any kind will do)
1 cup of rice milk ( preferably homemade or organic)
1/2 cup of water ( for babies older children you can make thicker if you want)
1tsp grade A syrup
1 drop of vanilla
And then you have apple milk oh ya baby coma by the way πŸΌπŸΌπŸΌπŸŽπŸŽπŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄